On Thursday Google had launched the latest Smartphone device along with the latest version of Android. As Like the LG Electronics had developed the Nexus 4
Google Nexus 5 Smartphone
Sundar Pichai The senior Vice president Android wrote “This is the Slimmest and Fastest Nexus Smartphone ever made.”
The Smartphone evaluates 136 grams and is 8.59 millimeters thick, Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor running at 2.3GHz and LTE mobile connectivity which varies from Nexus4, which was announced at the same time last year. The absence of LTE network technology in the Nexus4 has surprise to many.
The Nexus 5 deliver 17 hours of talk time and 8.5 hours of internet surfing on a WI-Fi network, along with LTE Network technology of seven hours.
The Nexus 5 has a latest camera feature which takes the picture sharper and keeps images stable. The device has 1.3 megapixel front camera and 8 megapixel rear camera.
Pichai Wrote “ A new HDR and mode spontaneously snaps a quick burst of photos and accumulate them to give you the best possible shot,”
Other features like 16 to 32 GB, 2GB of RAM, a USB port, Supporting WI-FI wireless networking.
Pichai publish “The Smartphone is offered through the Google Play store in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, etc. And will be coming soon to India.
Little Software increment has in the Phone app which makes easier for users to enable contact and makes calls. The “Hangout “App allows to make the video conferencing and store the SMS and MMS messages. As like Motorola Moto X Smartphone has the Google apps for voice related search and commands.
According to Geoff Blaber, CCS vice president of the research for the America states “The Nexus Smartphones is still keenly planned for Google”.
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