iOS Fastest Growing Mobile Operating System in 2013

According to web index In the 2013 Apple is one of the fastest developing mobile operating system with iPhone consumer grows from 14 percent of worldwide market share in 2013 Q1 to 19 percent in Q3.

According to research it’s predicted that 89 percent of the Global Internet population, consumers are using the iPhone and which is expected to grow to 233 million this year, along with iPad users estimated at 165.72 million. IOS is the fastest growing mobile operative system, but android is still overwhelming the market with the 57 percent of shares. 

Global Web index predicts that android users are around 708 million this year. By the 2015 research institute also recommends that Android may be the World’s number one mobile operating system.

By this year it is estimated that there are 68 million users were for window phone is exceeding BlackBerry at 62.56 million. 

Turning to PCs, the research team observes the estimated user of the window7 operating system is around 734.12 million users, but the window8 operating system users are only 168.11 million. 

The research team states that the reckon figure of the Apple MAC user in this year is will be around 47.78 million.